DATE: May 17, 2016
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Development Services Director
Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Agreement with Willdan Engineering, Inc., for Development Review Services in the Planning Division, to Increase the Compensation Amount an Additional $90,000 for a Total Amount not to Exceed $180,000, and Extend the Term to August 31, 2016
That the Council adopts the attached resolution, authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to a contract for professional services with Willdan Engineering, Inc., (Willdan) to perform the duties of the vacant Development Review Engineer position in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department through August 31, 2016. The total amended contract amount will not exceed $180,000.
The Development Services Department employs a Development Review Engineer, and Development Review Specialist within the Planning Division. These positions are responsible for providing support at Hayward’s One Stop Permit Center related to engineering inquiries, as well as lead the processing of all applications for subdivision maps, lot line adjustments, lot mergers and lot splits, and associated encroachment permits. The Development Review Specialist position became vacant effective April 3, 2015, and the City’s long-time Development Review Engineer resigned effective April 27, 2015. Given that both of these positions are currently vacant, it is critical that an alternative method for providing these services is utilized while the City recruits for these positions.
On May 18, 2015, the City entered into an Agreement with Willdan Engineering for an amount not to exceed $25,000, to provide an on-site temporary employee to perform the duties of the Development Review Engineer. Peter Rei has been handing the responsibilities of Development Review Engineer at a rate of $112 per hour, working three days per week.
On July 15, 2015, Council approved Resolution 15-118 authorizing an amendment of the agreement between the City and Willdan, increasing the compensation to a total amount not to exceed $90,000.
Along with the oversight of the functions related to engineering review of private land development, the Development Review Engineer also coordinates and reviews the Engineer’s Reports for the Landscape & Lighting Districts (LLD) and Maintenance Districts (MD) within the City of Hayward. The consultant Engineer of Record for the LLDs/MDs has recently started the process of preparing the FY 2017 Engineer’s Reports. It is desirable for Mr. Rei to complete the LLD/MDs process, as well as transition other projects to a newly hired Development Review Engineer, once a selection has been made.
The rates for Mr. Rei increased to $125 per hour, effective January 1, 2016. Therefore, staff recommends that the agreement between Willdan Engineering and the City of Hayward be amended in order to increase the compensation by an additional $90,000, to a total amount not to exceed $180,000, and extend the term to not later than August 31, 2016.
The Development Review Section of the Planning Division is unique, in that it requires engineering knowledge and capabilities within the Planning Division, whose primary function is to process subdivision maps. The positions within the Development Review Section requires the ability to coordinate with the Public Works Department, as well as other City departments, related to processing such maps, as well as performing other related engineering functions and providing support at the Permit Center. The Development Review Engineer also provides recommendations and oversees the engineer’s reports and budgets related to the City’s Landscape and Lighting District and two Maintenance Districts.
Development Services Department staff has been working with Human Resources staff to establish a strategy for the recruitment of the Development Review Engineer. Staff also attempted to recruit from the Senior Engineer candidates’ list established by Public Works approximately one year ago, but was not successful in finding a candidate. After researching different options, it was decided that the position title would be changed to Senior Civil Engineer with modifications with the job specification that identified the responsibilities when assigned to Development Services. These changes were approved by the Personnel Commission at the April 28, 2016 meeting. Human Resources posted a continuous, open recruitment for Senior Civil Engineer (Development Services Department). The first round of applications were reviewed, and as a result, there are five potential candidates. It is anticipated that a permanent Development Review Engineer will be hired sometime in July.
Date (Reso. No.) Amount Total/Not-To-Exceed Amount
Original Agmt. 5-18-15 $25,000 $25,000
1st Amdmt. 7-15-15 (15-118) $65,000 $90,000
2nd Amdmt. 5-17-16(requested) $90,000 $180,000
The increased compensation amount of $90,000 to amend this professional services agreement will be offset by salary savings of $665,000 in the Development Services Department’s FY 2016 budget, including $184,000 from the vacant Development Review Engineer position,, and will be covered within the approved budget.
No public contact has occurred associated with this action.
If the Council approves the attached resolution, staff will prepare Amendment #2 to the Agreement between the City of Hayward and Willdan Engineering.
Prepared by: Jade Kim, Management Analyst I
Staff contact
Recommended by: David Rizk, Development Services Director
Approved by:
Fran David, City Manager