DATE: May 26, 2020
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: City Manager
Adopt a Resolution Approving a Financing Model that Supports the Development of Middle-Income Affordable Housing and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Purchase Option Agreements with CalCHA
That Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) authorizing participation in a financing model to fund the acquisition and/or development of affordable housing for middle income households that will require the City to:
1) Become a member of the California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA);
2) Support CalCHA's issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the production, preservation, and protection of essential middle-income rental housing; and
3) Authorize the City Manager to execute purchase option agreements with CalCHA to acquire (or assign to a non-profit affordable housing provider) the middle-income housing as a public benefit.
Catalyst Housing (Catalyst) has developed a financing model to create affordable housing for the essential middle-income workforce and proposes using Essential Housing Revenue Bonds issued by CalCHA to finance the acquisition or development of essential middle-income housing. This housing will be deed restricted for low-income and moderate-income households in the City of Hayward. To satisfy the public purposes for which the bonds will be authorized to be issued, the owner, CalCHA, commits, through the execution of a regulatory agreement, to support, preserve, and provide low-income, median-income, and moderate-income rental housing. Additionally, as a term of the regulatory agreement, Catalyst will not displace existing tenants that are over-income for the program. CalCHA will also satisfy the public purposes of the bonds by granting all surplus project revenues to the City as a term of the Purchase Option Agreement.
Staff recommends approval of a resolution that limits the City Manager’s authority, requires verification of displacement prevention provisions in the regulatory agreement, excludes FPI from participating in the project, and evaluates the option of transferring ownership to tenants. The resolution will authorize the City to:
• Become a member of CalCHA;
• Support and approve CalCHA’s issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the acquisition of existing rental properties or development of new units as a means towards the production, preservation and protection of essential middle-income rental housing within the City limits; and
• Enter into a Purchase Option Agreement with CalCHA.
Considering current economic condition related to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff is anticipating even greater need for long-term housing stability for existing low-income and middle-income residents.
Attachment I Staff Report
Attachment II Resolution
Attachment II Joint Powers Agreement