File #: ACT 23-089   
Section: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Council Infrastructure Committee
Agenda Date: 10/25/2023 Final action:
Subject: East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project - Discussion and Recommendation to Council
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Bay Fair to Hayward Corridor Map

DATE:      October 25, 2023


TO:           Council Infrastructure Committee


FROM:     Director of Public Works




East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project - Discussion and Recommendation to Council                



That the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC) reviews and comments on the recommended alignment for the East Bay Greenway Multimodal (EBGWMM) Project and provides recommendation to present to Council for approval.




The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is the project sponsor and implementing agency for the East Bay Greenway Multimodal (EBGWMM) Urban Trail Project (Urban Trail) from the Lake Merritt Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station in Oakland to South Hayward BART station in Hayward. Due to the projected timeline and potential expense of acquiring the required UPRR’s right of way, Alameda CTC approved a near-term project implementation in December 2021 which focused on providing multimodal improvements along arterials that could be constructed within a 3-5-year timeframe as the Phase 1 project (Project). The December 2021 action moved the Urban Trail project along the Union Pacific Railroad corridor as long term, the Phase 2 project.


The goals of the Phase 1 Project are to:

                     Provide safe, high-quality (Class I, buffered Class II, Class III, or Class IV) options for biking for all ages and abilities

                     Improve safety by physically separating bicyclists from high-speed, high volume vehicular traffic to the extent feasible

                     Create a continuous north/south bike facility connecting seven BART stations

                     Improve access to regional transit, schools, downtown areas, and major activity centers

                     Improve multimodal access to BART stations

                     Reduce greenhouse gas emissions


Alameda CTC coordinated with City staff for their planning and public outreach strategies for this project which included developing outreach materials that describe the Project need, Project delivery updates, public outreach opportunities in Hayward, and implementation schedule. This culminated in a presentation to the Council Infrastructure (CIC) Committee on October 26, 2022.


In subsequent discussions regarding concerns over the proposed improvements, both agencies agreed to re-evaluate the alignment of the project while still meeting the intended goals of Phase 1 project.


This item requests CIC review and recommendation to the City Council of the revised alignment in Hayward for the Scoping and Environmental phase of project development. If recommended by the CIC at this meeting and approved by Council in November 2023, Alameda CTC will seek their Commission approval in December 2023 to provide the necessary resources to further develop, define, and refine the project features in Hayward.



Attachment I     Staff Report

Attachment II    Bay Fair to Hayward Corridor Map