File #: PH 24-004   
Section: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
Agenda Date: 2/8/2024 Final action:
Subject: Main and B Street: Proposed Six-Story Mixed-Use Development Containing 30 Residential Apartment Units, a 1,005-Square-Foot Ground Floor Commercial Space and Parking Garage with Automated Parking Stacker System on a Vacant 0.17-Acre Parcel Located at 966 B Street (APN 428-0056-057-00) Requiring Approval of Major Site Plan Review, a Density Bonus and Environmental Consistency Checklist pursuant to CEQA for Application No. SP-23-0006; Applicant/Architect: Toby Long and Joshua Jewett of Clever Homes by Toby Long design; Property Owner: Chris Music, Main & B Developments LLC.
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Draft Findings for Approval, 3. Attachment III CEQA Finding, 4. Attachment IV Conditions of Approval, 5. Attachment V Project Plans, 6. Attachment VI Applicant's Density Bonus Statement, 7. Attachment VII Approved Affordable Housing Plan, 8. Attachment VIII Public Correspondence Received

DATE:      February 8, 2024


TO:           Planning Commission


FROM:     Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner





Main and B Street: Proposed Six-Story Mixed-Use Development Containing 30 Residential Apartment Units, a 1,005-Square-Foot Ground Floor Commercial Space and Parking Garage with Automated Parking Stacker System on a Vacant 0.17-Acre Parcel Located at 966 B Street (APN 428-0056-057-00) Requiring Approval of Major Site Plan Review, a Density Bonus and  Environmental Consistency Checklist pursuant to CEQA for Application No. SP-23-0006; Applicant/Architect: Toby Long and Joshua Jewett of Clever Homes by Toby Long design; Property Owner: Chris Music, Main & B Developments LLC.                                                             





That the Planning Commission approve the proposed Major Site Plan Review and Density Bonus Application No. SP-23-0006, subject to the Findings (Attachment II) the Conditions of Approval (Attachment IV) and review and approve the Environmental Consistency Checklist (Attachment III) prepared for the project pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.





The applicant is requesting approval of a Major Site Plan Review and Density Bonus to construct a six-story, modular, mixed-use building with 30 residential units, a 1,005-square-foot ground floor commercial tenant space, and parking garage with automated vehicle stacker system at the northwest corner of B Street and Main Street. Under the City Center - Retail and Office Commercial General Plan land use designations, the site is permitted a maximum base of 20 units. The applicant is proposing to deed restrict three of the units (or 15 percent) for very low-income households. Pursuant to State Density Bonus law (SDBL), by providing 15 percent of the units as affordable to very low-income households, the project is entitled to a 50 percent increase in density, for a total of 30 units. The applicant is also requesting waivers from seven applicable development standards including maximum floor area ratio, maximum parapet height, minimum ground floor building depth, minimum building height setbacks, maximum lot coverage, minimum residential parking, and minimum parking stall width for standard-sized parking stalls, which are permitted under SDBL and described in greater detail below.



Attachment I                                          Staff Report

Attachment II                                          Draft Findings for Approval

Attachment III                     CEQA Finding

Attachment IV                     Draft Conditions of Approval

Attachment V                                          Project Plans

Attachment VI                     Applicant’s Density Bonus Statement

Attachment VII                     Approved Affordable Housing Plan

Attachment VIII                     Public Correspondence Received