File #: ACT 23-085   
Section: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Council Infrastructure Committee
Agenda Date: 10/25/2023 Final action:
Subject: Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Improvements - Phase II Project Administration Building Update, Renaming WPCF to "Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF)", and Laboratory Dedication
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II 60% Design Workshop, 8.15.23

DATE:      October 25, 2023


TO:           Council Infrastructure Committee


FROM:     Director of Public Works




Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Improvements - Phase II Project Administration Building Update, Renaming WPCF to “Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF)”, and Laboratory Dedication                                                             



That the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC) reviews and comments on this report and recommends approval to Council.




This report is presented to update the CIC on the new Administration Building that will be constructed as part of the WPCF Improvements - Phase II Project (Phase II Project). The project includes upgrades to the treatment process to enhance the treatment capabilities of the WPCF and to reduce the discharge of nutrients to the bay in compliance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s upcoming 3rd Watershed Permit. Construction of a new Administration Building and Laboratory is a key component of the overall Phase II Project.


The Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) treats an average wastewater flow of approximately eleven million gallons per day (MGD) and meets current regulatory requirements for discharge of treated effluent to the deep waters of the San Francisco Bay (Bay). In May 2019, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) announced upcoming regulatory requirements limiting discharge of nutrients (nitrogen) to the Bay. In June 2020, the City completed a comprehensive master plan update, the WPCF Phase II Facilities Plan (Facilities Plan), to identify improvements required for the WPCF to upgrade its treatment process and to incorporate nutrient reduction in the treated effluent to meet the upcoming requirements.


As part of the Facilities Plan, planning was completed for a new Administration Building and Laboratory that included building programming needs, space planning, and identification of laboratory space needs for housing essential laboratory processes. On July 5, 2022, Council authorized an agreement with Brown and Caldwell (B&C) to begin preliminary design services for the Phase II Project. On December 6, 2022, Council authorized final design services for the Administration and Laboratory Building, primary equalization basin relocation project, and geotechnical investigation.  The final design phase builds upon the Facilities Plan and preliminary design to further refine the building layout, development of interior and exterior architectural elevations, selection of building interior and exterior finishes and materials, structural design, mechanical (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)) design, plumbing, site work, and other details. 90% plans and specifications are expected in December, and final design is expected in April 2024. A parallel effort is underway to complete an environmental review of the project that will support the environmental documentation required for California Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Environmental (CEQA) review and documentation is anticipated to be completed in July 2024.


The Administration and Laboratory Building is not eligible for funding under the CWSRF as the project does not focus on direct recycled water, potable water, or wastewater treatment upgrades. The project is eligible under the WIFIA funding program that will finance 49% of the project cost. For the remaining 51% of the project cost, staff will look to the option of financing through other sources such as municipal bonds, which requires further analysis on rate and fee impacts.



Attachment I       Staff Report

Attachment II      Presentation from 60% Design Workshop, 8/15/23