DATE: February 23, 2022
TO: Council Infrastructure Committee
FROM: Director of Public Works
Review of Draft Traffic Impact Fee Recommendations
That the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC) reviews and provides feedback and recommends approval of the Traffic Impact Fee program structure to Council...End
A traffic impact fee (TIF) is a one-time fee imposed on new development projects to help mitigate the cumulative transportation impacts of development growth. As importantly, a TIF will bring much-needed certainty to Hayward's development process at the onset of the application process.
TIFs imposed on new development are linked to the concept that traffic generated by the proposed development will cause a nearby traffic deficiency, such as an intersection exceeding a specific level of service or capacity. A TIF does not replace any transportation analysis requirements imposed by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Also, while a TIF addresses cumulative impacts of all future development projects, it does not address specific or direct impacts from a proposed development. As a result, in some cases, a Local Transportation Analysis (LTA) may still be necessary.
Traffic consultants TJKM prepared The Multimodal Improvement Plan and TIF Nexus Study (Attachment II) that identifies locations of future traffic deficiencies as a result of future development, develops mitigations to these deficiencies, calculates total cost of capital improvements required to implement the mitigations, and provides a calculated maximum allowable traffic fee that would be legally defensible based on projected cumulative traffic impact from different development types.
Economic consultants Community Attributes, Inc., (CAI) reviewed the Nexus Study and assisted the City in developing recommendations for adopting appropriate fees, below the maximum allowable, based on cur...
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