DATE: June 23, 2022
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Director of Development Services
Proposed Mixed-Use Development of 314 Rental Apartments, including 19 Units Affordable to Very Low and Low-Income Households, 7,100 Square Feet of Ground Floor Retail Space, and related Site and Frontage Improvements at 22330 Main Street (APN 428-0061-061-03, 428-0061-061-04) Requiring an Addendum of a Mitigated Negative Declaration with Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Approval of a Major Site Plan Review, Administrative Use Permit, and Density Bonus Application No. 202003725; Nick Clayton for Project Management Advisors, Inc. (Applicant); Amit Goel for Goel Hayward MF LLC (Owner).
That the Planning Commission adopts the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration with Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Attachment IV) and approves the Major Site Plan Review, Administrative Use Permit, and Density Bonus Application, subject to the attached findings (Attachment II) and conditions of approval (Attachment III).
The applicant is requesting approval of a Major Site Plan Review, Administrative Use Permit, and Density Bonus application to construct a development with a five-story residential building and a four-story, mixed-use building on a 3.93-acre parcel, located at the corner of McKeever Avenue, Main Street and Maple Court. The project will include 314 apartment units, 7,100 square feet of ground floor retail space, a six-level parking garage with 420-spaces, and related project amenities, including site and frontage improvements.
The project is subject to Major Site Plan Review due to the overall development area in excess of three acres, an Administrative Use Permit due to the retail space less than 10,000 square feet and is requesting one development concession and one waiver as part of the Density Bonus application. The site is loc...
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