DATE: May 26, 2020
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: City Manager
Adopt a Resolution Approving a Financing Model that Supports the Development of Middle-Income Affordable Housing and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Purchase Option Agreements with CalCHA
That Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) authorizing participation in a financing model to fund the acquisition and/or development of affordable housing for middle income households that will require the City to:
1) Become a member of the California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA);
2) Support CalCHA's issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the production, preservation, and protection of essential middle-income rental housing; and
3) Authorize the City Manager to execute purchase option agreements with CalCHA to acquire (or assign to a non-profit affordable housing provider) the middle-income housing as a public benefit.
Catalyst Housing (Catalyst) has developed a financing model to create affordable housing for the essential middle-income workforce and proposes using Essential Housing Revenue Bonds issued by CalCHA to finance the acquisition or development of essential middle-income housing. This housing will be deed restricted for low-income and moderate-income households in the City of Hayward. To satisfy the public purposes for which the bonds will be authorized to be issued, the owner, CalCHA, commits, through the execution of a regulatory agreement, to support, preserve, and provide low-income, median-income, and moderate-income rental housing. Additionally, as a term of the regulatory agreement, Catalyst will not displace existing tenants that are over-income for the program. CalCHA will also satisfy the public purposes of the bonds by granting all surplus project revenues to the City as a term of the Purchase Option Agreement.
Staff recommends approval of a resolution that limits ...
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