DATE: May 24, 2016
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Public Works
Authorization for the City Manager to Execute the Alameda CTC Master Programs Funding Agreement for Measure B, Measure BB, and Vehicle Registration Fee Direct Local Distribution Funds
That Council approves the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Master Programs Funding Agreement (MPFA) with the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) for the pass through funding from Measure B, Measure BB and the Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF).
Alameda County voters approved Measure B funds in November 2000, and collection of the sales tax began on April 1, 2002. Agreements were executed with transit agencies, Alameda County, and local jurisdictions to receive Measure B pass through funds for four types of programs: bicycle and pedestrian; local streets and roads; mass transit; and paratransit.
Voters also approved the Measure F Alameda County Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) program on November 2, 2010. The additional annual $10 per vehicle fee generates about $11 million per year countywide.
Voters approved Measure BB funds on November 4, 2014. Measure BB renewed the 0.5% Measure B transportation sales tax approved in 2000 and increased the tax by an additional 0.5%, resulting in a 1% sales tax throughout Alameda County dedicated to transportation expenses. The thirty-year plan proposed $7.8 billion in spending to improve and maintain transportation infrastructure and systems in the county.
Annually, these distributions provide support to locally identified transportation improvements among the City's local transportation, bicycle and pedestrian, mass transit and paratransit programs.
Alameda CTC is responsible for the distribution of revenues generated through the Measure B, Measure BB and the Vehicle Regist...
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