File #: PH 19-054   
Section: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 5/28/2019 Final action:
Subject: Application to Amend Chapter 10, Article 1 (Zoning Ordinance) and Article 2 (Off-Street Parking Regulations) related to the creation of new Industrial District Regulations within the Hayward Municipal Code and the Adoption of Industrial District Design Guidelines.
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Council Staff Report 5/14/2019, 3. Attachment III Ordinance, 4. Attachment III Exhibit A Zoning Map, 5. Attachment III Exhibit B HMC 10_1.1600 Industrial Districts, 6. Attachment III Exhibit C Section 10-1.3500 Definitions, 7. Attachment III Exhibit D Section 10-1.2735j Small Recycling, 8. Attachment III Exhibit E Section 10-1.1900 Air Terminal, 9. Attachment III Exhibit F Chapter 10 Article 2 Off Street Parking, 10. Attachment III Exhibit G Section 10-1.3075 Major Site Plan, 11. Attachment III Exhibit H Section 10-1.2735m Food Vendor, 12. Attachment IV Resolution, 13. Attachment V Industrial Design Guidelines, 14. Attachment VI PC Minutes 4/25/2019
Related files: CONS 17-159, LB 17-051, WS 18-037, WS 18-044, PH 19-026, PH 19-045, CONS 19-377
DATE: May 28, 2019

TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: Development Services Director


Application to Amend Chapter 10, Article 1 (Zoning Ordinance) and Article 2 (Off-Street Parking Regulations) related to the creation of new Industrial District Regulations within the Hayward Municipal Code and the Adoption of Industrial District Design Guidelines.


That the City Council approves the proposed Zoning Map and Text Amendments to Chapter 10, Planning, Zoning and Subdivision, of the Hayward Municipal Code Related to the City's Industrial District Regulations, including the Adoption of new Industrial District Design Guidelines.


This is a continued public hearing from the May 14, 2019 City Council meeting on the Industrial District Regulations Update involving Zoning Map and Text Amendments (Amendments) to the Hayward Municipal Code (HMC). The proposed Amendments would impact all land with Industrial Corridor and Mixed Industrial General Plan land use designations, and all properties that are zoned I (Industrial) District.

Proposed Amendments include development of industrial sub-districts with more appropriate land uses and the creation of development standards that are tailored to each sub-districts' purpose, including the establishment of development, design, and performance standards for all industrial development. The Amendments would: bring the City's Industrial District Zoning regulations into conformance with Industrial-related General Plan Goals and Policies to promote well-designed, amenity-rich industrial development for employees and visitors to the area; address and minimize compatibility issues between industrial and adjacent sensitive uses; and encourage establishment and expansion of advanced manufacturing and high employee generating uses and discourage low-employment intensity, high-impact uses.


Attachment I Staff Report

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