DATE: October 15, 2024
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Development Services Director
Housing Element Implementation: Work Session on Proposed Zoning Text Amendments to Chapter 10 (Planning, Zoning and Subdivisions) of the Hayward Municipal Code Related to Supportive Housing Programs Associated with Implementation of the Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element
That the City Council review and provide feedback the draft amendments to the Hayward Municipal Code (Attachment III, Exhibits A-D) associated with the implementation of Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element Actions related to the expansion and development of supportive housing throughout Hayward.
On February 7, 2023, the City Council adopted the Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element, which contained goals, policies, programs, and actions to help Hayward meet its housing needs for individuals at all income levels. This project aims to fulfill several Housing Element actions related to supportive housing to remain in compliance with state housing law and to expand housing options for Hayward's unhoused and other vulnerable populations.
In June, the City Council1 and Planning Commission2 held work sessions on this topic and provided initial feedback on Staff's recommendations. They generally supported Staff's recommendations to allow and develop standards for SROs, Safe Parking and Emergency Shelters. City Council expressed a desire to remove additional barriers for Safe Parking. Lastly, they expressed concern for expanding allowances for Unlicensed Group Homes.
Based on that feedback, Staff drafted a series of zoning amendments, which are summarized below:
* General Clean-Up: Amend miscellaneous definitions and requirements to ensure regulations are clear, concise and consistent with State Law.
* Single Room Occupancy (SROs): Define and allow SROs in certain mixed-use, industrial, commercial and high-...
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