File #: WS 24-020   
Section: Work Session Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
Agenda Date: 6/27/2024 Final action:
Subject: Work Session on Proposed Zoning Text Amendments to the Hayward Municipal Code Related to Supportive Housing Programs Associated with Implementation of the Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Allowable Housing Types by Zoning District
Related files: WS 24-030
DATE: June 27, 2024

TO: Planning Commission

FROM: Taylor Richard, Associate Planner


Work Session on Proposed Zoning Text Amendments to the Hayward Municipal Code Related to Supportive Housing Programs Associated with Implementation of the Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element


That the Planning Commission provide feedback on staff's recommendations and analysis associated with the implementation of Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element Actions related to the expansion and development of supportive housing throughout Hayward.


On February 7, 2023, the City Council adopted the Hayward 2023-2031 Housing Element composed of goals, policies, programs, and actions to help Hayward meet its housing needs. This project aims to fulfill several Housing Element actions to remain in compliance with state housing law and expand supportive housing options for Hayward's unhoused and other vulnerable populations. Staff has drafted a series of recommendations summarized below to satisfy the project goals.

* General Clean-Up: Streamline and clean-up the housing type definitions and requirements to make them clear, concise, and consistent.
* Single Residence Occupancy (SROs): Define and expand where SROs are permitted and develop developmental and performance standards to minimize potential nuisances associated with the housing type.
* Safe Parking: Define and allow safe parking in partnership with non-profits and develop operational and performance standards to minimize potential nuisances. Safe parking sites provide locations where people experiencing homelessness can legally park and stay in their cars overnight.
* Group Homes: Expand the allowable number of residents for Licensed group homes as a by right use.
* Shelters/Low Barrier Navigation Centers: Expand where shelters and low-barrier navigation centers are permitted in the City, in accordance with State Law; ...

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