File #: CONS 24-512   
Section: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 10/15/2024 Final action:
Subject: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Wilsey Ham, a WHB Company, for Design Services for the Campus Drive Sidewalk Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $256,000 for Project Nos. 05332, 05344, and 05345
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Resolution
DATE: October 15, 2024

TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: Director of Public Works


Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Wilsey Ham, a WHB Company, for Design Services for the Campus Drive Sidewalk Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $256,000 for Project Nos. 05332, 05344, and 05345


That Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement (PSA) with Wilsey Ham, a WHB Company (Wilsey Ham), for Design Services for the Campus Drive Sidewalk Project, Project Nos. 05332, 05344, and 05345, in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $256,000.



Campus Drive is listed as a facility with Class IV Bike Lanes in the City's Bike & Ped Master Plan. In 2021, City staff began working closely with residents to implement the Campus Drive Traffic Calming Project to address the community's concerns regarding traffic safety and speeding along Campus Drive. The Pilot Program developed in early 2023 included temporary lane reduction, installation of Class IV Protected Bike Lanes in addition to traffic striping, pavement markings and traffic signs. In August 2023, Phase 2 of the project implemented permanent lane reduction, pavement treatment and addition bike lane improvements.

At a Community Meeting held on April 19, 2023, staff proposed a New Sidewalk Project on Campus Drive which would install sidewalks between 2nd Street and Oakes Drive (north side) and Oakes Drive and University Court (south side).

A Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit qualified firms to provide the design and preparation of construction bid documents services for the sidewalk project on Campus Drive was issued on May 30, 2024. Four qualifying proposals from design firms were received on July 5, 2024


Attachment I Staff Report
Attachment II Resolutio...

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