DATE: September 20, 2022
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director
Firearms Regulations: Review and Discuss Regulations Related to Firearms
That the Council reviews the report and provides feedback to staff regarding the proposed approach to the regulation of firearms in the City of Hayward.
Mayor Halliday and Councilmembers Lamnin and Andrews prepared a formal Council referral based on a growing concern both here in Hayward and throughout the nation regarding the impact of gun violence and accidental misuse of guns on the safety of the community. In response, staff provided a background memo regarding firearms regulations and the current land use process for firearm sales to the Council and the Council voted 7-0 to hold a future work session to provide staff feedback on this topic and guide future regulations around firearms in the community. Based on a review of the City’s current regulations, ongoing efforts at the state and national level, and legal limitations on what the City can do, staff has included recommendations for the Council’s consideration and discussion.
Attachment I Staff Report
Attachment II Links to Additional Information