DATE: June 27, 2023
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Public Works
Adopt Resolutions Rejecting All Bids for the La Vista Park Project and Approving Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids for the La Vista Park - Keyways Grading Project, Project No. 06914, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with SurfaceDesign, Inc.
That Council adopts resolutions (Attachment II, Attachment III, and Attachment IV):
1. Rejecting all bids for the La Vista Park Project, Project No. 06914 (Attachment II)
2. Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids to be received on August 22, 2023, for the La Vista Park - Keyways Grading Project, Project No. 06914 (Attachment III)
3. Authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with SurfaceDesign, Inc., to increase their contract amount by $118,000, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $755,975 (Attachment IV)
On June 6, 2023, three (3) bids were received for the La Vista Park Project ranging from $41,927,606 to $47,323,996 for base bid items. DeSilva Gates Construction LLC submitted the low bid in the amount of $41,927,606, which is 64.8% above the engineer's estimate of $25,438,301.
Staff recommends rejecting all bids and approving the plans and specification and call for bids for the La Vista Park - Keyway Grading Project. Staff will reevaluate the scope of the La Vista Park Project for future bidding possibilities.
The La Vista Park - Keyways Grading Project will remove and replace weak existing landslide areas with stronger backfill based on recommendations from the geotechnical report prepared by Langan, geotechnical consultant hired by the City, to provide a strong and stable ground for the future construction of park improvements and future development in the former Route 238 Caltrans prope...
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