DATE: July 11, 2016
TO: Council Sustainability Committee
FROM: Director of Utilities and Environmental Services
East Bay Community Energy - Presentation of Technical Study
That the Committee reviews and comments on this report.
The County of Alameda and the cities within the County are exploring the possibility of establishing a community choice aggregation (CCA) program also known as a community choice energy (CCE) program. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the technical study that has been prepared by the County to determine the feasibility of establishing a CCE program.
In June 2014, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, allocated $1.3 million to exploring the possibility of establishing a CCA program, which is being called East Bay Community Energy (EBCE). If established, EBCE would be a joint powers authority (JPA) that aggregates electricity demand within participating Alameda County jurisdictions in order to procure electricity for its customers. Pacific Gas & Electric Company would continue to provide customer billing, transmission, and distribution services.
On June 28, 2016, Council received an overview of the draft joint powers agreement and a brief overview of the technical study. The June 28 report and several other reports provided to Council and the Council Sustainability Committee are available at . Also available on this webpage is the June 29 letter sent to the County with Council's comments on the draft JPA.
On July 6, 2016, the County provided a revised draft of the JPA that addresses all three of the concerns identified in the City's June 29 letter. Section 4.2.1 was revised to state that both Directors and alternate Directors must be elected officials. Section 4.13 was revised to include term limits for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board. The third item in th...
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