DATE: July 11, 2016
TO: Council Sustainability Committee
FROM: Director of Utilities and Environmental Services
Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Update: Building Energy Usage and Emissions Data, 2005 - 2015
That the Committee reviews and comments on this report.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are prepared to assess progress toward the emissions reduction goals of Hayward's Climate Action Plan. As a member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)-Local Governments for Sustainability (a global network of cities and regions), the City of Hayward follows ICLEI's protocol for developing GHG inventories. ICLEI recommends updating GHG inventories at least every five years. Completed and planned inventories to date include:
* 2005 Baseline: Cataloged municipal and community (city-wide) emissions and established a baseline to compare to future inventories. Sectors covered: building energy consumption, transportation, and landfilled waste.
* 2010 Inventory: Municipal and community emissions with a 2005 / 2010 comparison. Sectors covered: building energy, transportation, landfilled waste, Water Pollution Control Facility, and water/ wastewater.
* 2015 Inventory: To be completed once transportation data becomes available (expected by early 2017).
Partial inventory data on energy consumption and emissions are periodically presented to give a snapshot of progress toward energy goals. Staff last presented data on municipal and community energy usage to the Committee in October 2013. The 2013 report as well as GHG reports from 2012 and 2011 are available at This report includes a brief review of the 2005 and 2010 inventory totals and provides an update on community electricity and natural gas usage and related emissions for 2010 - 2015, compared to the 2005 ...
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