DATE: August 22, 2023
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: City Clerk
Annual City Commissions Interviews: Interview Applicants for Community Services Commission, Library Commission, Personnel Commission, and Planning Commission; and Consider Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force (KHCG TF) Applicants Selected by the KHCG TF Subcommittee
That the City Council interviews applicants for service on the Community Services Commission, Library Commission, Personnel Commission, and Planning Commission; and considers the recommendations from the Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force Subcommittee.
The annual recruitment for City commissions and the Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force (KHCG TF) was conducted from May 4, 2023 to August 4, 2023. There were thirteen vacancies at the beginning of the recruitment and by the end, there were twenty-three due to the resignation of additional members. Seventy (70) applications were received by the submission deadline and fifty-nine (59) applicants qualified to be considered for appointment. Attachment II contains the final list of applicants and their preference for service. A digital binder containing all qualified applications was made available on August 10, 2023.
On August 18, 2023, the KHCG TF Subcommittee, comprising KHCG TF Members Jeffrey Haman, Chuck Horner, Leah Martinez, and Jean Yee-Yu will interview fifteen applicants who have indicated the KHCG TF as one of their preferences for service. At the conclusion of the interviews, the Subcommittee will select and recommend applicants to the City Council for service on the KHCG TF. The list will be made available prior to the Council meeting.
Members of the City Council reviewed and pre-screened all applications and individually communicated their selections to the City Clerk. There were twenty-six applicants who received at least three preliminary votes...
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