File #: CONS 25-003   
Section: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 1/21/2025 Final action:
Subject: Adopt a Resolution Designating Two City-Owned Properties Located Near the Intersection of Depot Road and Whitesell Street in Hayward, California, as Surplus Land, Authorizing the City Manager to Issue Notices of Availability as Required by the Surplus Land Act, and Finding that the Action is Exempt from CEQA Review
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Resolution
DATE: January 21, 2025

TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: City Manager


Adopt a Resolution Designating Two City-Owned Properties Located Near the Intersection of Depot Road and Whitesell Street in Hayward, California, as Surplus Land, Authorizing the City Manager to Issue Notices of Availability as Required by the Surplus Land Act, and Finding that the Action is Exempt from CEQA Review


That Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) designating the 0.73-acre City owned parcel with Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 439-0070-006-01 located near the southeast corner of Depot Road and Whitesell Street and the 0.24-acre property with APN 439-0070-006-02 located near the southwest corner of Depot Road and Whitesell Street as surplus property, authorizing the City Manager to begin the surplus property notice of availability process consistent with the Surplus Land Act, and finding that the action is exempt from CEQA review.


The Surplus Land Act (SLA), Government Code section 54220, et seq., requires a local agency to follow specific procedural steps before disposing of land or negotiating to dispose of land that is no longer needed for the agency's use. The steps generally involve (1) adopting a resolution declaring the property surplus or exempt surplus, (2) sending notices of availability to entities designated in the SLA, primarily affordable housing developers/sponsors, and (3) negotiating in good faith for ninety (90) days with any entity that submits a notice of interest within sixty (60) days of the issuance of the notice of availability.

This item involves a 0.73-acre City owned parcel near the southeast corner of Depot Road and Whitesell Street (Parcel 1) with Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 439-0070-006-01 and the 0.24-acre property with APN 439-0070-006-02 located near the southwest corner of Depot Road and Whitesell Street (Parcel 2). Staff...

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