DATE: January 26, 2016
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Utilities & Environmental Services
Water Service Area: Approval of Re-arrangement with East Bay Municipal Utility District
That the City Council adopts the attached resolution approving the water service area re-arrangement with the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD).
Hayward provides water service to the residents and businesses within the corporate City limits, as well as a limited number of properties outside of the City boundaries. EBMUD serves municipalities in Alameda and Contra Costa County; however, the District's service area also includes some properties within the City of Hayward, generally located in the northern and eastern areas. Utility districts, such as EBMUD, are permitted to serve properties that are included in their official service area. Cities that provide utility services are likewise entitled to deliver the services within their corporate boundaries, regardless of whether the properties are also included in a utility district service area. This understanding has been confirmed by the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). The LAFCo Executive Director has advised that the cities and utility districts should discuss the matter in such cases and find a mutually agreeable solution.
As development occurs on parcels in the northern and eastern parts of Hayward, staff reviews water service areas and available facilities to determine which agency is in a position to best serve the development, without undue hardship and serious financial repercussions to the affected developer. Three examples of developments that are in both the City's corporate limits and either entirely or partially in EBMUD's service area are:
* 1818 Hill Avenue and 22788 Templeton Street - This approximately 2.3-acre parcel is part...
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