File #: ACT 21-010   
Section: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Council Infrastructure Committee
Agenda Date: 1/27/2021 Final action:
Subject: Hayward Boulevard Safety Improvements Feasibility Study
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Alternative 1, 3. Attachment III Alternative 2, 4. Attachment IV Alternative 3, 5. Attachment V Survey Sample

DATE:      January 27, 2021


TO:           Council Infrastructure Committee


FROM:     Director of Public Works





Hayward Boulevard Safety Improvements Feasibility Study                                                             





That the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC) reviews and comments on the Improvement Safety Alternatives for the Hayward Boulevard corridor. 





The Hayward Boulevard Safety Improvements Feasibility Study (Study) was created to address community concerns that include, but are not limited to, speeding and safety. The Study derives from the Mobility Element in the Hayward 2040 General Plan, the Complete Streets Policy adopted in 2013, the Complete Streets Strategic Initiative adopted in 2017, and the Strategic Roadmap Priority for Improving Infrastructure adopted earlier this year.


The Study is the evaluation and development of phased multi-modal safety and connectivity improvements along Hayward Boulevard from Campus Drive to Fairview Avenue. Hayward Boulevard is unique in that it is an arterial with a mix of land uses and several geometric challenges.


On May 21, 2019, Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., (Kimley-Horn) for the Study, and on May 29, 2019, the CIC reviewed and approved the scope of work.  Staff requests that the CIC now review and provide comments on three alternatives that have been prepared for the Study and are presented in more detail in this report.



Attachment I                                          Staff Report

Attachment II                           Alternative 1

Attachment III                          Alternative 2

Attachment IV                          Alternative 3

Attachment V                           Survey Sample