DATE: April 25, 2023
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Public Works
Adopt a Resolution Awarding a Contract to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., for the FY23 Pavement Improvement Project, Project No. 05240, in the Amount of $15,294,950 and Authorizing an Administrative Change Order Budget of $855,050
That the Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) approving Addendum No. 1 consisting of revisions to the plans and specification for the FY23 Pavement Improvement Project (PIP) and awarding the contract for the project to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., in the amount of $15,294,950 and authorizing an administrative change order budget of $855,050 for a total not to-exceed contract amount of $16,150,000.
The FY23 PIP calls for the rehabilitation of ninety-one (91) street segments and preventive maintenance of twenty (20) street segments for a total of one hundred and eleven (111) street segments (Attachment III). The proposed improvements will repair failed pavement segments and improve street surfaces.
On March 28, 2023, the project received four (4) bids. All bids were over the Engineer's Estimate of $13,500,000. At $15,294,950, the low bid received is $1,794,950 or 13.3% over the Engineer's Estimate. The additional project funding will come from the FY22 and other Pavement Improvement Project cost savings, and a reduced administrative change order allocation.
Staff recommends award of the contract to the responsible low bidder, Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., (Bay Cities) in the amount of $15,294,950 and authorizing a potential administrative change order budget of $855,050 to be used at the discretion of the Director of Public Works for potential change order work.
The project budget of $16,800,000 is funded via the Gas Tax, Measure B, Measure BB, Vehicle Registration Fees, and anticipated Road Repair and Accountability Act (RRA...
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