DATE: August 9, 2022
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Acting Assistant City Manager
Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to: (1) Execute a Standard Agreement or Other Executing Documents and Any Subsequent Amendments, Modifications, or Documents Thereto with the California State Department of Housing and Community Development or Other State Agency; (2) Accept and Appropriate Funds Awarded by the California State Legislature Under Assembly Bill 178 in an Amount Up to $5.7 Million for Mission Paradise; and (3) Allocate Funds Totaling Up to $5.7 Million to EAH's Mission Paradise Project to Develop 76 Units of Affordable Senior Housing as Included in Assembly Bill 178
That the Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) authorizing the City Manager to: (1) execute an standard agreement or other executing documents and any subsequent amendments, modifications, or documents thereto with the California State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) or other State agency; (2) accept and appropriate funds awarded by the California State Legislature under Assembly Bill (AB) 178 in an amount up to $5.7 million for Mission Paradise; and (3) allocate funds up to $5.7 million to EAH's Mission Paradise project to develop 76 units of affordable senior housing as included in AB 178.
On June 30, 2022, the Governor approved AB 178, the Budget Act of 2022. The bill included an award to the City of Hayward in the amount of $5.7 million for the Mission Paradise Project. Since the award was made to the City to fund Mission Paradise, the City must enter into an agreement with HCD or other State agency in order to receive the funds and allocate them to the project. Following these actions, the project will be fully funded and anticipates starting construction in the fall of 2022. Staff recommends that City Council adopt the resolution authorizi...
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