DATE: January 26, 2016
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Library and Community Services
Approval of a Revised Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Alameda and Hayward Area Recreation and Park District for the Purposes of Collaborating on the South Hayward Youth and Family Center Project
That Council approves the attached Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachment I) and authorizes the City Manager to execute the MOU and implement the plans and partnerships described therein.
On October 27, 2015, Council engaged in a detailed discussion of the South Hayward Youth and Family Center project and unanimously approved an MOU between the City, the County, and HARD to collaborate on the project. Links to the October 27, 2015 staff report, supporting documents, and video of the proceedings are provided here:
* Staff report and documents:
* Video of proceedings:
As reported at the Council meeting on October 27, 2015, Kaiser Permanente committed to making a donation of $5 million toward the South Hayward Youth and Family Center project. One of Kaiser's requirements for its donation is the establishment of a governance structure for the project.
The establishment of a governance structure is especially important because there are three primary public agencies with key stakes in the project and site - the City as the property owner and primary jurisdictional authority over the site; HARD as the owner-operator of Tennyson Park and the operator of the MJCC facility; and the County as the primary capital fundraising agency and operator of multiple youth centers elsewhere in Alameda County. In addition to these three primary agencies, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, Alameda County Office of Education, and/or Hayward Unified School District may also have roles to pla...
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