DATE: April 28, 2021
TO: Council Infrastructure Committee
FROM: Director of Public Works
Main Street Complete Streets Update
That the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC) reviews the cost estimate and potential scope and cost reduction options and alternatives for the Main Street Complete Streets Project as part of regular project update.
Staff will provide updates to the CIC and community on the Main Street Complete Streets Project (Project) on a regular basis as the project develops. This update will discuss the cost estimate and potential scope along with cost reduction options (Attachment III) for Concept 1 (Attachment II) that align the proposed improvements with the available budget. In addition, publicly recommended design alternatives suggested by the community will be re-visited (Attachment IV & V).
Staff will also provide an update on the status of the professional services agreement (PSA) with the selected design consultant and next steps.
Attachment I Staff Report
Attachment II Concept 1
Attachment III Updated Cost Estimate & Alternative
Attachment IV Diagonal Parking Concept - One Side
Attachment V Diagonal Parking Concept - Both Sides