DATE: May 3, 2022
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Director of Public Works
Adopt a Resolution Approving the Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the Sewer Line Improvements Project, Project No. 07761
That Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) approving the plans and specifications for the Sewer Line Improvements Project, Project No. 07761, and calling for construction bids to be received on June 7, 2022.
The Utilities Division of the Department of Public Works & Utilities replaces the City’s undersized or structurally damaged sewer mains through annual capital improvement projects. The Sewer Line Improvements Project will improve the capacity and maintain the operability of the sewer collection system by replacing approximately 4.1 miles of existing vitrified clay pipe (VCP), asbestos cement pipe (ACP), and high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) ranging in diameter from 6 to 12-inch with new 8, 10, 12, or 15-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or HDPE. This project takes place at twenty-nine locations throughout the City (Attachment III). Approximately 3.3 miles will be replaced by traditional open-cut method, and another approximately 0.8 mile will be replaced by trenchless technology used to cross under obstructions that prohibit open-cut installation. Design has been completed and bid documents have been prepared. Staff is requesting Council’s approval of the plans and specifications, and calling for bids to be received on June 7, 2022.
Attachment I Staff Report
Attachment II Resolution
Attachment III Location Map
Attachment IV Hayward Sewer Cost Estimate