File #: PH 23-017   
Section: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 4/11/2023 Final action:
Subject: Valley Street East of 4th Street to C Street: Adopt a Resolution Vacating Right-of-Way of Valley Street East of 4th Street to C Street Pursuant to the Provisions of California Streets and Highways Code Sections 8320 et. seq.
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Resolution, 3. Attachment III Location Map
DATE: April 11, 2023

TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: Director of Public Works


Valley Street East of 4th Street to C Street: Adopt a Resolution Vacating Right-of-Way of Valley Street East of 4th Street to C Street Pursuant to the Provisions of California Streets and Highways Code Sections 8320 et. seq.


That Council conducts a public hearing, considers comments received before or at the hearing, and adopts a resolution (Attachment II) making findings and vacating the right-of-way of Valley Street east of 4th Street to C Street, pursuant to the provisions of California Streets and Highways Code Sections 8320 et seq.


The Valley Street right-of-way east of 4th Street to C Street is less than 117 feet long and 3,500 square feet in area. This portion of the Valley Street right-of-way has not been used for vehicular travel for an extended period (more than 15 years). Vehicular and pedestrian travel along Valley Street has been rerouted to 4th Street and C Street to improve traffic safety. This traffic diversion is consistent with the City's General Plan. Approximately 12.5 feet of the street right-of-way to be vacated, at its most north-easterly triangular tip fronts the lot at 1421 C Street and has been used for access to the driveway to the lot. This property (less than 100 square feet) will be offered to the owner of the lot at 1421 C Street by staff with the condition that it be merged with the existing lot for single family residential and RS zoning, consistent with the lot's current land use and zoning designation.

Except for a small area fronting the lot at 1421 C Street, the right-of-way proposed to be vacated is neither necessary for access to any fronting property, nor useful for street purposes or as a non-motorized transportation facility. Engineering Division staff's recent inquiries have indicated that no public utility is located within th...

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