File #: WS 23-012   
Section: Work Session Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 4/18/2023 Final action:
Subject: Residential Design Study Work Session: Options and Recommendations Report for the Hayward Residential Design Study
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Options and Recommendations Report
DATE: April 18, 2023

TO: Mayor and City Council

FROM: Acting Development Services Director


Residential Design Study Work Session: Options and Recommendations Report for the Hayward Residential Design Study


That the City Council provides feedback on the recommendations contained within the Options and Recommendations Report for the Hayward Residential Design Study.


The Hayward Residential Design Study is a long-range planning project that will result in the development of objective residential design standards as well as zoning amendments that ensure General Plan and Zoning Ordinance consistency. As part of this effort, an Options and Recommendations Report (Attachment II) was prepared to evaluate the City's current residential design standards and provide options and recommendations for updates.
Specifically, the Report recommends the following:

* Site Development. Establish site development standards based on lot size, lot width, and the surrounding context.
* Building Height. Update the building height standards of the Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential zoning districts to allow for four or five story buildings and to be more consistent with the Mission Boulevard Code.
* Building Massing. Require building step-backs for upper stories on two-story single -family homes and multifamily residential development taller than two stories.
* Building Frontage. Adopt standards for building frontage design that address ground floor and fa?ade treatments, window size and placement, roofline variation, front yard treatment, and fencing.
* Architectural Styles. Allow for a diversity of architectural styles and building types by limiting prescriptive design standards around any particular architectural style.
* Open Space. Make open space requirements easy to understand and provide clear definitions of the different types of open spac...

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