DATE: September 18, 2023
TO: Ad Hoc Committee
FROM: City Clerk
Council Liaison to the Planning Commission
That the Ad Hoc Committee discuss a suggestion for the Mayor to assign a Council Member as a liaison to the Planning Commission.
It is the Council Member Handbook policy that each Council Member be assigned by the Mayor as Liaison to City commissions, committees, task forces, Alameda County agencies and other regional boards. The Council Liaison’s responsibility includes attending meetings, bringing information from meeting bodies to Council, and informing the Council’s appointed bodies. Since the Planning Commission keeps the Council abreast of information related to planning and zoning actions for residential, commercial, and industrial development, the Planning Commission has historically not been assigned a Council Liaison. Recently, the City Clerk received a suggestion from Development Services Director Buizer to consider assigning a Council Liaison to the Planning Commission to serve as a mentor to new Planning Commissioners.