File #: CONS 24-529   
Section: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: City Council
Agenda Date: 10/15/2024 Final action:
Subject: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to Tri-Valley Contracting, Inc. dba Tri-Valley Striping, for the Orchard Avenue Traffic Calming Quick Build Pilot Project, Project No. 05312, in the Amount of $159,237, and Approving $23,886 in Administrative Construction Contingency
Attachments: 1. Attachment I Staff Report, 2. Attachment II Resolution

DATE:      October 15, 2024


TO:           Mayor and City Council


FROM:     Director of Public Works





Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to Tri-Valley Contracting, Inc. dba Tri-Valley Striping, for the Orchard Avenue Traffic Calming Quick Build Pilot Project, Project No. 05312, in the Amount of $159,237, and Approving $23,886 in Administrative Construction Contingency                                                              





That the Council adopts a resolution (Attachment II) awarding a construction contract to Tri-Valley Contracting, Inc. dba Tri-Valley Striping for the Orchard Avenue Traffic Calming Quick-Build Pilot Project in the amount of $159,237 and approve $23,886 in administrative construction contingency.





This project proposes traffic calming improvements by striping and delineation changes to improve the operation of the roundabout and removes a traffic lane in each direction on Orchard Ave between Joyce Street and Mission Boulevard. The plan also includes changes to the lane configurations at Mission Boulevard and additional no truck signage.


On September 18, 2024, the call for bids was released and advertised until the bid opening date of October 1, 2024. On October 1, 2024, the project received two (2) bids. Staff recommends that Council award the contract to the responsible low bidder,  Tri-Valley Contracting, Inc. dba Tri-Valley Striping, for $159,237 and approve $23,886 in administrative construction contingency. Cato’s General Engineering, Inc., dba Cato Paving submitted the second lowest bid in the amount of $209,695.50. The engineer’s estimate for the project (not including contingency) was $160,240.



Attachment I                                          Staff Report

Attachment II                                          Resolution