CONS 22-470
| 1. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to: (1) Execute a Standard Agreement or Other Executing Documents and Any Subsequent Amendments, Modifications, or Documents Thereto with the California State Department of Housing and Community Development or Other State Agency; (2) Accept and Appropriate Funds Awarded by the California State Legislature Under Assembly Bill 178 in an Amount Up to $5.7 Million for Mission Paradise; and (3) Allocate Funds Totaling Up to $5.7 Million to EAH’s Mission Paradise Project to Develop 76 Units of Affordable Senior Housing as Included in Assembly Bill 178 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-471
| 2. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Gray-Bowen-Scott for Consulting Services to Support SR-92/Whitesell Interchange - Project Initiation Document, Project No. 05334, in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $171,300 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-473
| 3. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Allowing the City Council and Appointed Commissions/Task Forces and Council Committees to Hold Continued Teleconferenced Public Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-474
| 4. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 3 with St. Francis Electric, Inc., for Traffic Signal and Streetlight Maintenance Project Nos. 05187 and 05189 Whereby Increasing the Professional Services Agreement by $300,000 for a Total Not-To-Exceed Amount of $1,164,000 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-475
| 5. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Awarding a Contract to The Garland Company for the Hayward Police Department Roof Replacement - 300 W. Winton Ave CIP Project No. 07203, in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $1,160,865 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-476
| 6. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Letters of Support for Assembly Bill 256 (Kalra), Also Known as the California Racial Justice for All Act | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-477
| 7. | Consent | Adopt Resolutions 1) Appropriating a $627,554 Community Development Block Grant Award to Bay Area Community Services (BACS) to Acquire the St. Regis Retirement Center; and 2) Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve a $2 Million Loan to BACS for Down Payment Assistance to Acquire the St. Regis Retirement Center and Authorizing an Amendment to the FY 2023 Operating Budget by $2 Million in the General Fund | approved | Pass |
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