CONS 22-216
| 1. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Awarding a Contract to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., for the FY22 Pavement Improvement Project, Project No. 05239, in the Amount of $9,528,117 and Authorizing an Administrative Change Order Budget of $1,671,883 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-221
| 2. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District and Hayward Unified School District to Fund and Administer the Youth Commission | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-223
| 3. | Consent | Adopt Resolutions 1) Approving the Project Funding Agreement between the City of Hayward and the Alameda County Transportation Commission; and 2) Approving the Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Implementation of the Scoping Phase of the SR-92 Clawiter-Whitesell Interchange Upgrade Project | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-225
| 4. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the FY22 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Wheelchair Ramp Project, Project No. 05318 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-230
| 5. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving the Transfer and Appropriation of $416,000 for the Hayward Police Department Locker Room Project, Project No. 07420 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-251
| 6. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the Keyways Grading Project, Project No. 06914 at La Vista Park | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-252
| 7. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving the Project List for FY23 Road Repair and Accountability Act Funding for the FY23 Pavement Improvement Project | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-255
| 8. | Consent | Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 10, Article 1 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Hayward Municipal Code Rezoning Certain Property to Planned Development District in Connection with Zone Change, Vesting Tentative Map and Disposition and Development Agreement Application No. 202003054 for Parcel Group 5 Bunker Hill Development by Trumark Properties LLC | approved | Pass |
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CONS 22-256
| 9. | Consent | Adopt an Ordinance Amending Article 4, Chapter 10 of the Hayward Municipal Code by Amending Section 10-4.56 Related to Precise Plan Lines for Rockaway Lane from “A” Street to Russell Way | approved | Pass |
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WS 22-010
| 10. | Work Session | AB 481 Policy Review: Council Work Session to Review Proposed Policy Regarding the Hayward Police Department’s Funding, Acquisition, and Use of “Military Equipment”, as Defined by Assembly Bill 481 (Report from Police Chief Chaplin) | | |
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PH 22-020
| 11. | Public Hearing | Community Agency Funding: Approval of Fiscal Year 2023 Community Agency Funding Recommendations, the FY 2023 Annual Action Plan, and City of the Hayward Community Development Block Grant Community Participation Plan (Report from Assistant City Manager Ott) | approved | Pass |
Action details
PH 22-020
| 11. | Public Hearing | Community Agency Funding: Approval of Fiscal Year 2023 Community Agency Funding Recommendations, the FY 2023 Annual Action Plan, and City of the Hayward Community Development Block Grant Community Participation Plan (Report from Assistant City Manager Ott) | adopted | Pass |
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LB 22-011
| 12. | Legislative Business | Strategic Roadmap Update: Adopt a Resolution Approving the Updated Strategic Roadmap for the FY2023 Budget (Report from City Manager McAdoo) Continued from April 26, 2022 | | |
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RPT 22-035
| 13. | Informational Report | Informational Report on Publicly Available Art in the City of Hayward | | |
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