Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/13/2021 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Remote Participation
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Minutes Action Minutes Meeting Extra1: Presentations Presentations Meeting Extra2: Documents Received After Published Agenda Documents Received After Published Agenda Meeting Extra3: Minutes 7/13/21 Minutes 7/13/21  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video: eComment: None  
Attachments: Agenda Packet 07-13-21
File #Agenda #SectionTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
LB 21-032 1.Legislative BusinessLet’s House Hayward! Strategic Plan: Adopt a Resolution Approving the Let’s House Hayward! Strategic Plan (Report from Assistant City Manager Ott)approvedPass Action details Video Video
LB 21-034 2.Legislative BusinessFederal Stimulus Expenditure Plan: Adopt a Resolution Approving the City of Hayward Federal Stimulus Expenditure Plan for $38 million in Stimulus Funding and Authorizing Appropriation of $18.9 million in Stimulus Funding for Year 1 Projects and Programs (Report from City Manager McAdoo)approvedPass Action details Video Video
LB 21-035 3.Legislative BusinessAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase and Adoption of an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS or “Drones”) Program for the Hayward Police Department (Report from Police Chief Chaplin - Report to be heard concurrently with LB 21-036 Informational Report on Data Transparency)approvedPass Action details Video Video
LB 21-036 4.Legislative BusinessInformational Report on Data Transparency and Protection for Police Records (Report from CIO/Director of Information Technology Kostrzak - Report to be heard concurrently with LB 21-035 UAS or Drones Program)   Action details None
MIN 21-096 5.MinutesApprove City Council Minutes of the City Council Meeting on June 22, 2021approvedPass Action details None
CONS 21-153 6.ConsentAdopt a Resolution of Intention to Preliminarily Approve the Engineer's Report and Levy Assessments for Fiscal Year 2022 for Maintenance District No. 1 – Storm Drainage Pumping Station and Storm Drain Conduit Located at Pacheco Way, Stratford Road and Ruus Lane, and Set July 20, 2021, as the Public Hearing Date approvedPass Action details None
CONS 21-346 7.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Agreement with Bay Area Community Services to Increase the Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $110,137 for the COVID-19 Rental Assistance ProgramapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 21-375 8.ConsentAdopt Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements with Vendors (BACS, Vagabond Inn Hayward, and First Presbyterian Church) for American Rescue Plan Act Funded Homelessness ProjectsapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 21-376 9.ConsentAdopt Resolutions: (1) Accepting and Appropriating Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant Funding for Use at the Hayward Navigation Center; and (2) Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Agreements with Hayward Navigation Center Vendors (BACS and PMSI) for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 ServicesapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 21-391 10.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving Addendums No. 1 and No. 2, and Awarding a Construction Contract to Cato’s General Engineering, Inc., for the Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 Improvement Project, Project No. 05248 in the Amount of $454,508, Authorizing a Construction Contingency Change Order Budget of $45,000, and Appropriating FundsapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 21-393 11.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving Amendments to the Exclusive Risk Management Authority of California (ERMAC) Joint Powers AgreementapprovedPass Action details None