LB 21-032
| 1. | Legislative Business | Let’s House Hayward! Strategic Plan: Adopt a Resolution Approving the Let’s House Hayward! Strategic Plan (Report from Assistant City Manager Ott) | approved | Pass |
Action details
LB 21-034
| 2. | Legislative Business | Federal Stimulus Expenditure Plan: Adopt a Resolution Approving the City of Hayward Federal Stimulus Expenditure Plan for $38 million in Stimulus Funding and Authorizing Appropriation of $18.9 million in Stimulus Funding for Year 1 Projects and Programs (Report from City Manager McAdoo) | approved | Pass |
Action details
LB 21-035
| 3. | Legislative Business | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase and Adoption of an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS or “Drones”) Program for the Hayward Police Department (Report from Police Chief Chaplin - Report to be heard concurrently with LB 21-036 Informational Report on Data Transparency) | approved | Pass |
Action details
LB 21-036
| 4. | Legislative Business | Informational Report on Data Transparency and Protection for Police Records (Report from CIO/Director of Information Technology Kostrzak - Report to be heard concurrently with LB 21-035 UAS or Drones Program) | | |
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MIN 21-096
| 5. | Minutes | Approve City Council Minutes of the City Council Meeting on June 22, 2021 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 21-153
| 6. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Preliminarily Approve the Engineer's Report and Levy Assessments for Fiscal Year 2022 for Maintenance District No. 1 – Storm Drainage Pumping Station and Storm Drain Conduit Located at Pacheco Way, Stratford Road and Ruus Lane, and Set July 20, 2021, as the Public Hearing Date
| approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 21-346
| 7. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Agreement with Bay Area Community Services to Increase the Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $110,137 for the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 21-375
| 8. | Consent | Adopt Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements with Vendors (BACS, Vagabond Inn Hayward, and First Presbyterian Church) for American Rescue Plan Act Funded Homelessness Projects | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 21-376
| 9. | Consent | Adopt Resolutions: (1) Accepting and Appropriating Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant Funding for Use at the Hayward Navigation Center; and (2) Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Agreements with Hayward Navigation Center Vendors (BACS and PMSI) for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Services | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 21-391
| 10. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving Addendums No. 1 and No. 2, and Awarding a Construction Contract to Cato’s General Engineering, Inc., for the Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 Improvement Project, Project No. 05248 in the Amount of $454,508, Authorizing a Construction Contingency Change Order Budget of $45,000, and Appropriating Funds | approved | Pass |
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CONS 21-393
| 11. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving Amendments to the Exclusive Risk Management Authority of California (ERMAC) Joint Powers Agreement | approved | Pass |
Action details