Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/24/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber and Virtual Platform (Zoom)
Published agenda: GHAD/Council Agenda GHAD/Council Agenda Published minutes: Action Minutes Action Minutes Meeting Extra1: Presentations Presentations Meeting Extra2: Documents Received After Published Agenda Documents Received After Published Agenda Meeting Extra3: Minutes 5/24/22 Minutes 5/24/22  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video: eComment: None  
Attachments: GHAD/Council Packet
File #Agenda #SectionTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MIN 22-070 1.MinutesApprove the Hayward Geologic Hazard Abatement District Board Minutes of the Special Meeting on March 15, 2022adoptedPass Action details Video Video
PH 22-028 2.Public HearingGHAD Budget: Resolution Approving the Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) Budget for the 2022/23 Fiscal Year (Report from GHAD Manager Harrell)approvedPass Action details Video Video
MIN 22-071 1.MinutesApprove the City Council Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on May 14, 2022approvedPass Action details None
CONS 22-319 2.ConsentAdopt an Ordinance Adding Article 30 to Chapter 10 of the Hayward Municipal Code Regarding Traffic Impact Fees for Property DevelopersapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 22-321 3.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Allowing the City Council and Appointed Commissions/Task Forces and Council Committees to Hold Continued Teleconferenced Public Meetings Pursuant to AB 361approvedPass Action details None
CONS 22-296 4.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Appropriate $8,394.29 in Asset Forfeiture Fund Balance and to Transfer the Appropriation from the Asset Forfeiture Fund (265) to the General Fund (100) approvedPass Action details None
CONS 22-297 5.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 8 to the Professional Services Agreement with CSG Consultants, Inc., for Private Development Review Services in the Amount of $400,000 for a Total Not-To-Exceed Amount of $2.1 Million and Extending the Date of the Agreement to June 30, 2023approvedPass Action details None
CONS 22-313 6.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with EKI Environment & Water for As-Needed Technical Support Related to Implementation of a Groundwater Management Plan Increasing the Contract Amount by $35,000 for a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $95,000approvedPass Action details None
CONS 22-335 7.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Adopting the Traffic Impact Fee, Setting Initial Fee Rates for FY23, and Amending the FY23 Master Fee ScheduleapprovedPass Action details None
WS 22-019 8.Work SessionPresentation Regarding 2021 Explosion at Russell City Energy Center and Follow Up Investigation and Actions (Report from City Manager McAdoo and Fire Chief Contreras)   Action details Video Video
WS 22-018 9.Work SessionClimate Action Plan and Environmental Justice: Considerations for New General Plan Policies and Programs (Report from Public Works Director Ameri)   Action details Video Video