CONS 16-073
| 1. | Consent | Authorization to Extend Professional Services Contract with Maze & Associates for Annual Audit Services | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 16-075
| 2. | Consent | Authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Agreement for the Preparation of the Hayward Fiber-Optic Network Master Plan. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CONS 16-083
| 3. | Consent | Approval of Microsoft Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) for Microsoft Enterprise Software Licenses including Office 365 | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 16-085
| 4. | Consent | Water Pollution Control Facility Improvements - Phase II: Authorization for the City Manager to Execute Professional Services Agreement to prepare an Environmental Assessment | approved | Pass |
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WS 16-011
| 5. | Work Session | Downtown Parking Study - Draft Report (Report from Director of Public Works Fakhrai) | | |
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WS 16-013
| 6. | Work Session | Review of Polling and Update on Potential Ballot Measure (Report from Assistant City Manager McAdoo) - Report will be available on Monday, February 22, 2016 | | |
Action details
LB 16-017
| 7. | Legislative Business | Review of Potential Elements of Citywide Community Workforce Agreement (Report from Assistant City Manager McAdoo) | | |
Action details