Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Minutes Action Minutes Meeting Extra1: Presentations Presentations Meeting Extra2: Documents Received After Published Agenda Documents Received After Published Agenda Meeting Extra3: None  
Meeting video: eComment: None  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Agenda #SectionTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MIN 25-034 1.MinutesApprove the City Council Minutes of the Meeting on February 25, 2025approvedPass Action details None
MIN 25-036 2.MinutesApprove the City Council Minutes of the Meeting on March 4, 2025approvedPass Action details None
CONS 25-099 3.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving the Final Map for Tract 8104, a Residential Subdivision at 123 A Street (Assessor’s Parcel Number 431-0016-088-03), to Allow the Construction of Ten (10) Townhouse-Style Residential Units with Common Open Space Areas and Related Site Improvements; Accepting Easements Dedicated for Public Use; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Subdivision Agreement; and Finding that the Action is Exempt from CEQA Review. Applicant/Owner: Habitat for Humanity Easy Bay Silicon Valley Inc., Application Nos. PL-2013-00291, PL-2013-00290, and TM-23-0003approvedPass Action details None
CONS 25-104 4.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to DC Electric Group, Inc. for the Tennyson Road and Winton Avenue Signal Coordination Project, Project No. 05342 in the Amount of $184,541, and Approving $55,362 in Administrative Construction ContingencyapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 25-105 5.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving Addendums No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, and Authorizing the City Manager to 1) Award a Construction Contract to Rodan Builders, Inc., for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $43,967,000, 2) Amend the Existing Professional Service Agreements with Carollo Engineers and Brown, and Caldwell for the Water Resource Recovery Facility’s (WRRF) New Administration Building and Laboratory Project, Project No. 07786 and WRRF Phase II Improvement Project No. 07760approvedPass Action details None
CONS 25-107 6.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Cato’s General Engineering, Inc., for the Hesperian Frontage Road Improvement Project, Project No. 05742 in an Amount of $855,225, and Appropriating Additional Funds in the Amount of $162,225 from Street System Improvements - Fund 450approvedPass Action details None
CONS 25-108 7.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Approve the Amended Ground Lease for California Department of General Services for the California Military Department on a Parcel of Land at Hayward Executive AirportapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 25-109 8.ConsentAdopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 3, Sections 2-3.90, 2-3.91, 2-3.92, 2-3.93 of the Hayward Municipal Code, Relating to the Community Services Commission; and Finding that the Action Is Exempt from CEQA ReviewapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 25-110 9.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Mr. Douglas Mansel from the Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force, Effective ImmediatelyapprovedPass Action details None
WS 25-012 10.Work SessionTree Preservation Ordinance: Work Session on Proposed Text Amendments to the Hayward Municipal Code for the Adoption of an Updated Tree Preservation Ordinance (Report from Development Services Director Buizer)   Action details Video Video
WS 25-014 11.Work SessionGreenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: Review and Discuss 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (Report from Director of Public Works Ameri)   Action details Video Video