Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/17/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Minutes Action Minutes Meeting Extra1: Presentations Presentations Meeting Extra2: Documents Received After Published Agenda Documents Received After Published Agenda Meeting Extra3: None  
Meeting video: eComment: None  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Agenda #SectionTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
APPT 24-002 1.AppointmentCity Commissions and Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force: Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Appointment and Reappointment of Members of the Community Services Commission, Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force, Library Commission, Personnel Commission and Planning Commission (Report from City Clerk Lens)adoptedPass Action details Video Video
MIN 24-095 2.MinutesApprove the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on August 13, 2024approvedPass Action details None
MIN 24-096 3.MinutesApprove the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on August 20, 2024approvedPass Action details None
MIN 24-097 4.MinutesApprove the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on August 27, 2024approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-433 5.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Accepting Revisions to the City of Hayward Conflict of Interest CodeapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-381 6.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements with Five Consulting Firms, for an Amount Not to Exceed the Total Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Appropriation of $650,000, to Provide Plan Check, Building Inspection and Permit Technician ServicesapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-417 7.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Hayward and the Service Employees International Union (“SEIU”) Local 1021, Clerical and Related Unit, and Authorizing Staff to Execute the AgreementapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-421 8.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Accept and Appropriate $265,000, in Grant Funding from the California Office of Traffic Safety for the Hayward Police DepartmentapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-428 9.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Staples Construction Company for the City Hall Third Floor Restroom Remodel in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $225,960approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-431 10.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 Increasing the Contract Amount for Staples Construction Company, Inc. for the Corporation Yard Complete Restroom & Locker Room Remodel Project RP230 by $19,000, for a Total Not-to-Exceed Contract Amount of $1,023,000approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-435 11.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Staples Construction Company, Inc. for the Hayward Animal Shelter Flooring and Wall Upgrade Project RP030 in an Amount Not to Exceed $257,331approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-436 12.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Amend the Contract with EBA Engineering by $57,630.69, for the Removal of Underground Fuel Storage Tanks for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $162,343, for the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project, Project No. 05287approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-441 13.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids for the Orchard Avenue Traffic Calming Quick-Build Pilot Project, Project No. 05312approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-443 14.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Rejecting All Bids, Approving Revised Plans and Specifications, and Calling for Bids for the Jackson Street Gateway Monument Sign ProjectapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-459 15.ConsentAdopt Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 42 with S.J. Amoroso for the Global Settlement in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,425,000 to Address Contractor’s and its Subcontractors’ Any and All Outstanding Change Orders and Any and All Outstanding and Future Claims and Authorizing the City Manager to Transfer and Appropriate Additional Funds in an Amount of $3,231,824 for the Final Project Cost for the Fire Station 6 and Fire Training Center Project, Project Nos. 07481 and 07482approvedPass Action details None
CONS 24-473 16.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., for the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Tennyson Road Crossing Safety Improvements, Project No. 06944, in an Amount Not to Exceed $549,772.26 and Appropriate an Additional $92,489.34, from Fund 460 to the ProjectapprovedPass Action details None
CONS 24-476 17.ConsentAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Execute an Economic Development Loan Agreement with the Hayward Economic Development Corporation Setting the Terms for Repayment of the City’s $8,600,000 Loan and Finding the Action is Exempt from CEQA ReviewapprovedPass Action details None
WS 24-025 18.Work SessionTree Preservation Ordinance Update: Work Session on the Proposed Policy Recommendations for the Updated Tree Preservation Ordinance (Report from Development Services Director Buizer)   Action details Video Video
PH 24-039 19.Public HearingPublic Hearing for the Adoption of the City of Hayward User Fee Study (Report from Finance Director Gonzales)adoptedPass Action details Video Video
LB 24-019 20.Legislative BusinessFiscal Year 2025 Salary Plan Amendment: Adopt a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the City of Hayward Salary Plan for Fiscal Year 2025 (Report from Human Resources Director Frye)adoptedPass Action details Video Video