MIN 24-119
| 1. | Minutes | Approve the Hayward Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) Board Minutes of the GHAD Meeting on June 18, 2024 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
LB 24-025
| 2. | Legislative Business | Approve Transfer of Plan of Control Responsibilities for All Parcels within The Hideaway Development from Hayward Tennyson Land, LLC to the Hayward Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) and Authorize the GHAD Manager to Accept Title to Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 78C-806-4 (Parcel L) and APN 78C-807-1 (Parcel M) in Tract 8439 (Report from GHAD Manager Ralston) | adopted | Pass |
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MIN 24-122
| 1. | Minutes | Approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting on October 15, 2024 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-557
| 2. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution to Execute a Side Letter of Agreement Amending the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), Section 5.13 C - Retiree Medical Trust between the City of Hayward (“City”) and the Hayward Fire Chief’s Association (HFCA), to Amend Employee Contributions | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 24-558
| 3. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution to Execute a Side Letter of Agreement Amending the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), Article 12.03 Longevity Pay between the City of Hayward (“City”) and the Hayward Fire Chiefs Association (HFCA), to Amend the Effective Date for All Eligible Members | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-561
| 4. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Funding Agreement with AC Transit to Help Fund Bus Shelter Maintenance | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-562
| 5. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Fehr & Peers in a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $210,000, for the Speed Management Plan, Project No. 06943 | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 24-563
| 6. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Increase the Total Construction Contract Not-to-Exceed Amount to $16,373,134 Due to an Increase in Contingency from $855,050 to $1,078,184 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-569
| 7. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications, and Calling for Bids for the Hesperian Frontage Road Improvement Project No. 05742 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-573
| 8. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Commissioner Collin Thormoto from the Community Services Commission, Effective Immediately | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-574
| 9. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Task Force Member Margaret Barton from the Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force, Effective Immediately | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-575
| 10. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Releasing Jessica Stanley from the Keep Hayward Clean and Green Task Force, Effective Immediately | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-556
| 11. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution to Approve Final Map of Tract 8429, a One Lot Subdivision for Condominium Purposes at 420 Smalley Avenue (Assessor Parcel No. 431-0008-020-00) to Allow the Construction of Eight (8) Attached Townhouse Condominium Units and Related Site Improvements; Applicant/Owner: MF Smalley Hayward, LLC., Application No. FM-23-0003 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-578
| 12. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution to Approve Final Map of Tract 8670, a 12-Lot Residential Subdivision at 24764 and 24656 Mohr Drive (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 441-0074-009-00 and 441-0074-009-00; Eden Village III), to Allow the Construction of Twelve (12) Single-Family Small Lot Detached Residential Units and Related Site Improvements; Applicant/Owner: Jason Creek Ventures, LLC, Application No. MTA-23-0001 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-580
| 13. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Schaaf & Wheeler, and Increase the Contract Amount by $60,000, for a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $260,000 for Engineering Design Services for the Arf Avenue Trash Capture Project | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-584
| 14. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Appropriate $45,000 from the Asset Forfeiture Fund (265) to the General Fund (100) to Purchase New Equipment for the Hayward Police Department’s Wellness Center | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-585
| 15. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Approving an Exception to the 180-Day Wait Period Requirement for Two Retired CalPERS Annuitants to Work Within the Hayward Communications Center | approved | Pass |
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CONS 24-591
| 16. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution to Execute a Side Letter of Agreement Amending the Memorandum of Understanding, Section 10.01- Defined Benefit Retirement Program between the City of Hayward and the Service Employees International Union, Local 1021 - Maintenance and Operations Union to Clarify Employee Pension Cost-Share Requirements for all Eligible Classic and PEPRA Members | | |
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CONS 24-593
| 17. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Amend the Contract with EBA Engineering by $60,000 for the Removal of Underground Fuel Storage Tanks for a Not-to Exceed Amount of $222,343 for the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project, Project No. 05287 | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 24-598
| 18. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to Bhogal Brother Construction Inc., for the Weekes Branch Library Improvement Project, Project No. BD051 in the Amount of $379,600, Approve an Administrative Change Order Budget of $75,920, and Close the Weekes Branch Library During Renovations | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 24-605
| 19. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with Montecito Development LLC, for Property Located at the Hayward Executive Airport | approved | Pass |
Action details
CONS 24-607
| 20. | Consent | Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Amend the Professional Services Agreement with Dewberry Architects, Inc., by $338,000 for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $868,000; and Appropriate Additional Funds in the Amount of $338,000 from Capital Projects (Governmental) - Fund 405 for the Hayward Police Department Locker Room and Communications Center Building, Project No. 07420 | approved | Pass |
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WS 24-036
| 21. | Work Session | American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Analysis and Review (Repot from Finance Director Gonzales) | | |
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LB 24-024
| 22. | Legislative Business | FY 2025 Salary Plan Amendment: Adopt a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the City of Hayward Salary Plan for Fiscal Year 2025 (Report from Human Resources Director Frye) | adopted | Pass |
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RPT 24-089
| 23. | Informational Report | City Council Referral: StackPass Education Discount Program (Referral from Council Members Syrop and Andrews) | | |
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