APPT 15-003
| 1. | Appointment | Appointments and Reappointments to Council’s Appointed Bodies (Report from City Clerk Lens) | adopted | Pass |
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MIN 15-007
| 2. | Minutes | Approval of Minutes of the Special Joint City Council/Hayward Public Financing Authority/Hayward Housing Authority Meeting on July 21, 2015 | approved | Pass |
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MIN 15-008
| 3. | Minutes | Approval of Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on July 28, 2015 | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-101
| 4. | Consent | Request for Water Service for a Property at 3996 Star Ridge Road in Unincorporated Alameda County, requiring Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to File an application with the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission for Approval of an Out-of-Service Area Agreement and to Execute Utility Service and Public Street Improvement Agreements; Utility Service Agreement Application No. USA 15-01; Majdi El-Khatib (Owner) | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-102
| 5. | Consent | Request for Water Service for a Property at 26526 Fairview Avenue in Unincorporated Alameda County, requiring Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to File an Application with the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission for Approval of an Out-of-Service Area Agreement and to Execute Utility Service and Public Street Improvement Agreements; Utility Service Agreement Application No. USA 15-02; Charanjit Kahlon (Owner) | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-110
| 6. | Consent | Sanitary Sewer System Repair at Various Locations: Approval of Addendum and Award of Contract | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-114
| 7. | Consent | Hayward Executive Airport - Southside New Access Road: Award of Construction Contract | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-116
| 8. | Consent | Adoption of a Resolution to Accept a Housing Related Parks Program Funding Allocation | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-132
| 9. | Consent | BART Hayward Maintenance Complex (HMC) Water Main Looping Project: Award of Contract | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-137
| 10. | Consent | New Garin Reservoir and Pump Station Improvements: Authorization for the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-138
| 11. | Consent | 21st Century Library and Community Learning Center and Heritage Plaza Arboretum - Approval of Addenda and Award of Construction Contract | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-141
| 12. | Consent | Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Wheelchair Ramps FY 2016 - Districts 1 and 8: Approval of Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids | approved | Pass |
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CONS 15-142
| 13. | Consent | Municipal Parking Lot Nos. 3 and 4 Improvement Project - Approval of Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids | approved | Pass |
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WS 15-017
| 14. | Work Session | Amendments to Hayward’s Livestock Regulations Related to Keeping of Chickens and Other Fowl (Report from Development Services Director Rizk) | | |
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PH 15-026
| 15. | Public Hearing | Proposed Subdivision and Construction of Four Office/Light Industrial Buildings on a 14.41-acre site at 28803 Marina Drive, requiring Adoption of a Resolution and Introduction of an Ordinance for a Zone Change from Business Park to Planned Development, Tentative Parcel Map 10363, and an Addendum to the previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Elizabeth Cobb, Shea Properties (Applicant), Eden Shores Associates I, LLC (Owner). (Report from Development Services Director Rizk) | approved | Pass |
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